Monday, December 31, 2012

101 Facts About Greyson Chance

1. Greyson lahir hari Sabtu, 16 Agustus 1997 pukul 6:37 PM di Witchita Falls, Texas

2. Nama lengkapnya Greyson Michael Chance [*Nama yang indah (:*]
3. Nama panggilannya G-Chance, GC, Ecen, Grey, Chance [*The next Mrs. Chance is me :D Hehehe :D*]
4. Greyson berzodiak Leo [*waw, cowok banget yaah :D*]
5. Nama mamanya adalah Lisa Chance dan papanya adalah Scott Chance [*Calon mertua gw nih broo =D*]

6. Dia punya 2 kakak yang sangat ia sayang, nama kakaknya itu Tanner (kakak laki-laki tertua) dan Alexa (kakak perempuan) , dan Greyson itu anak bungsu dari 3 bersaudara (:
7. Greyson terkenal anak yang jahil looh, nggak di rumah, nggak di sekolah, everywhere in the whole world
8. Greyson punya pengalaman dengan patah hati dengan 2 ex-gfnya [*Idih, belagu banget tuh si Lauren sama si satunya -_- Masa mutusin Grey yang perfect kyak gitu -_- Udah deh Grey, ama aku aja, aku nggak bakalan mutusin kamu kok Hehehe :D*]
9. Dulu dia pernah dibully gara-gara ngefans sama Lady Gaga [*Lah, knapa emang? Kan fans dan selera tiap orang nggak sama, jadi untuk yang lain, jangan pernah mbully orang lain ya (:*] Karena dia pernah dibully, dia buat lagu Purple Sky [*Nahlo, dibully, Grey balesnya pake karya. Hebat suamiku =D*]
10. Inspirasi terbesarnya adalah sang Lady Gaga, dan Augustana [*Sipdaahh*]
11. Angka 11 adalah angka favorite Greyson [*Wow, nomor absenku lo Grey, jodoh deh kita :D*]
12.Dia juga ngefans sama Elton John, John Legend, John Lennon, dan Christina Aguilera [*Aduh, sama deh Grey.. =))*]
13. Greyson udah bisa main piano dari umur 8 tahun [*Wow, amazing!*]
14. Greyson gak pernah latihan vocal secara formal [*Tapi kok suaranya bisa bagus banget gitu ya? Sampe-sampe pas dengerin lagunya berasa kyak di surga. Hehehe =D*]
15. Dia nandatanganin kontraknya dengan Record Label EllenDeGeneres, Ellen nemuin video Paparazzi yang dibawakan Grey karena kak Tanner mengirimkannya pada tim EllenDeGeneres, dan saat itu videonya sudah ditonton 1000 orang.
16. Greyson punya 2 Smartphone, yakni iPhone, dan Blackberry. Tapi dia lebih suka pake Blackberry daripada pake iPhone-nya [*iPhone-nya kasihin aku aja dong Grey (:*]
17. Dia suka banget sama film Harry Potter, dan The Lord of The Rings : Return of The King [*Ahh, sama buanget deh Grey ((=*]
18. Motto-nya Greyson: “Go for today, don’t worry about the future, it’ll come eventually” dan “No matter what, always be yourself!”, yang artinya??? [*"Lalui hari ini, jangan khawatir tentang masa depan, masa depan akan datang pada akhirnya" dan "Tak peduli apapun, selalulah menjadi dirimu sendiri!" diterjemahkan dari sebuah software cerdas yang menjadi salah satu trends 2013, yaitu Bernadette Translate=D Wehehe :D*]
19. Sebelum konser, ritual yang dilakukan Greyson adalah berdoa bersama, memeluk bandnya, dan mencium ibunya [*Muah (: Doa dan restu ibu yang utama (:*]
20. Greyson sayang banget sama semua fansnya, dia bilang semua fansnya itu adalah pacarnya [*Sip! Tapi Grey bilang, kalo istrinya itu aku kok! Hehehe Just Kidding yah (: Tapi aku tetep berharap banyak ama Grey ((:*]
21. Greyson kurang suka kalau ditanya masalah pacar, menurutnya dia itu masih kecil dan gak mau selingkuh dari fansnya [*Wah, cocok banget ama karakter Leo yang penyayang dan setia.. Uhuy! :D*]
22. Greyson merupakan pecinta kuliner. Dia suka banget ama masakan Mexico. Kalo Junk food kesukaanya adalah Mc.D. Dia juga suka pizza loh.. Dan juga kalo misalnya lagi tour, dia harus bawa PopChips, Gatorade, MSM’s [*Wuh, jadi ngiler nih aku kalo lagi ngomongin makanan :D*]
23. Greyson seneng kalau fansnya bilang dia itu “UNYU”, padahal dia gak ngerti artinya :D
24. Justin Bieber pernah ngetweet MV-nya GC yang Unfriend You itu bagus [*Yup, bener banget*]
25. Jika diperhatikan, Greyson itu lebih suka berkomunikasi lewat pesan singkat SMS, daripada harus telfon [*Sip, generasi masa depan banget deh, Hemat Pulsa :D*]
26. Greyson itu penyayang binatang juga loh [*Ngga cuma sayang aku aja kok (:*] Dia lebih suka kucing daripada anjing. Buktinya dia punya anjing dan 3 kucing. Nama anjingnya adalah Macy Chance :D eh tapi Macy udah meninggal :(, [*trus sekarang dia punya anjing yang warna bulunya item tuh.. Namanya siapa yak?? -_- Hmm, kapan kapan kalo Grey udah ngenalin anjingnya ke aku, ntar aku kasih tau deh..*] 3 kucingnya itu namanya Oreo, Rachel sama Smokey lagi lagi pake Chance (y) Ohya, si Oreo itu exist banget loh, punya twitter lagi! Nih follow --> @itsOreoChance
27. Greyson menciptakan lagu-lagunya by himself loh [*Keren*]
28. Lagu yang paling susah dia buat itu Home Is In Your Eyes [*Salah satu lagu favorite aku tuh, soalnya great banget sih lagu (:*]
29. Dia pengen banget bisa nyanyi bareng Hayley Williams
30. Greyson gak suka cewek yang pake make up + paling gak suka cewek pembohong
31. Mantannya Greyson itu ada 2, yaitu : Lauren Westphalen, Morgan Nettleton. Kebanyakan orang juga mengira bahwa Alyssa Cathey, dan Logan Nichols adalah mantan Greyson juga. Tapi kabar itu salah ya.. Nih buktinya :

So, the real Greyson's ex-gf are Lauren (Lala), and Morgan.
32. Greyson itu pingin banget main di Glee, dia pengen peran sebagai adiknya Finn
33. Sahabat Grey antara lain Cody Simpson dan Ariana Grande
34. Warna paling favorite Grey yakni hitam, putih, biru
35. Greyson pernah gak sengaja NYIUM BIBIR fansnya [*Waduh, kapan-kapan sengajain cium aku dong :D*]
36. Greyson senang manggil fansnya itu ‘sweetie’ atau ‘sweetheart’
37. Greyson itu pinter dalam pelajaran matematika katanya dia selalu dapet nilai A [*Aduh, sama deh Grey, samaa.. Kaga percaye? Ade noh, buktinye! :D*]
38. Kalo Greyson terpana sama satu gadis, Greyson bakal ngajak seorang gadis pada kencan pertama ke Bioskop atau dinner
39.Greyson itu suka banget sama Selena Gomez dan sudah menganggap Selena itu kakaknya. [*Ok, fine-lah! Padahal diriku tak terlalu suka pada SG -_-*]
40. Grey sering dengar lagu Party Rock Anthem! Dan dia menyukainya, dia kalo denger lagu ini sambil goyang goyang dan mencoba untuk shuffle loh walaupun gagal terus [*Tetep semangat, sweetheart..*]
41. Lagu Broken Heart ditulis Ecen sendiri lo. Kata dia, lagu itu terinspirasi dari 2 cewek yang mutusin dia dan membuatnya marah
42. Greyson suka pakai baju yang casual
43. Greyson gak suka dibilang Youtube Sensasion dia lebih suka dibilang New Artist
44. Greyson pengen buat piano yang hiasannya itu foto fansnya [*Jangan lupa tempelin foto aku yah sayang :D*]
45. Greyson pernah mikir, apa ada salah satu fansnya yang bakal jadi jodohnya [*Pasti dong, udah kliatan bgt! Pasti AKU lah!!!*]
46. Greyson suka cewek yang berambut keriting [*Puji Tuhan.. Terimakasih Engkau telah memberiku rambut keriting, Tuhan.. (:*]
47. Greyson lebih suka cewek manis daripada cewek cantik [*Aku banget tuh! Nggak cantik, tapi manis, sip! Semut yg super buanyak aja suka ama aku :D*]
48. Lagu Hold On Til’ The Night itu merupakan kisah nyata dari seorang gadis
49. Greyson lebih suka main piano daripada hang out bareng temen temennya [*Salut*]
50. Greyson suka sama Taylor Swift karena menurut dia Taylor itu cute
51. Agama Greyson itu Kristen Katolik [*Yup, pas banget!*]
52. Tulisan di MV Unfriend You itu ternyata lirik HOTTN
53. Ada 26 kata "waiting" di lagu Waiting Outside The Line
54. Tenyata diem diem Greyson itu suka fotografi
55. Greyson bilang lagu yang paling enjoy dia nyanyiin pas perform itu Unfriend You
56. Greyson bisa berbicara logat Australia dengan baik [*Ajarin dong ((:*]
57. Greyson suka cewek yang bisa dance [*Let's dance with me =D*]
58. Greyson kurang begitu suka kalau dia dibilang The Next Justin Bieber walau dia bangga bisa disandingkan dengan JB, karena suara mereka sangat berbeda, dan jika dilihat dari genre musiknya pun juga sangat berbeda. So, Greyson ya Greyson, Justin ya Justin
59. Sebelum terkenal Greyson suka ngelawak sama temen temennya. Nama sahabat Grey di sekolah antara lain Colin, Colton, dan Hayden.
60. Greyson lebih suka musim dingin daripada musim panas [*Pinter! Kalo pas winter kdinginan cuma duduk deket perapian + minum coklat panas bisa anget. Kalo pas summer kpanasan malah capek dong, perlu kipas kipas Hehe ;D*]
61. Setelah putus sama Lauren mereka malah sahabatan [*Wah betapa baiknya Grey*]
62. Sampai sekarang Greyson dan Lauren masih suka sms-an [*Pantesan jadi lupa sms aku*]
63. Nama twitter Greyson dulu itu @greyson97 sebelum berubah jadi @greysonchance. Kalo user Youtube-nya : "Greyson97" [*Awas, ati-ati sama yang abal abal :D*]
64. Greyson very like to see an Asian girl, because he think Asian girl it so beautiful and natural [*Yeahh*]
65. Greyson suka kalah kalau main video games sama Cody
66. Greyson pengen baik bisa main gitar, pas lagi nyoba main gitar, tangannya sampe pernah terluka alias berdarah loh
67. Greyson masuk kedalam 10 artis papan atas di majalah The Magazine
68. Greyson selalu berusaha ngebales mention para fansnya
69. Some words on his piano are: Music, Anger, Love, Laughing, Art, Hope, Lips, Buildings, Something, Rainbow and Mysterious.
70.Greyson punya panggilan khusus untuk Cody Simpson. Yaitu “Coco”. Sedangkan Cody manggil Greyson dengan sebutan “BabyFace”
71. He loves flat shoes and a jacket that looks like a shirt.
72. Greyson sangat suka membaca
73. Olahraga favorite Greyson itu sepak bola, walau sebenernya dia gak terlalu suka olah raga
74. Greyson pernah main film judulnya Raising Hope
75. Greyson kagum dengan lirik lirik The Journey, dan Steve Perry
76. Di lagu HOTTN itu Greyson bilang kepada para fansnya jangan takut, raihlah keberanian, dan terima semua resiko
77. Greyson sering pakai kalung [*Sama dong, kalo kalung aku T, yaitu TUHAN. Agar Tuhan selalu menyertaiku kemanapun aku pergi + Tuhan slalu dekat di hati aku. I <3 U, God (;*]
78. Greyson kalau baru kenal sama orang pasti banyak ngomong
79. Greyson sering nulis nama Lady Gaga
80. Greyson pernah nyumbang $5000 ke rumah sakit anak di Oklahoma
81. Greyson sekarang lagi belajar main drum
82. Greyson pikir Dianna Agron dari Glee itu sangat manis [*Tapi manis aku kan? :p*]
83. Greyson suka pakai sepatu Converse
84. Greyson gak takut sama ketinggian
85. Tahun 2012 ini Greyson telah mengadakan konser di Asia Tenggara, Jakarta salah satunya! Yakni di JITEC, tanggal 20 April silam
86. Setiap menit, Greyson bisa dapet 5-10 mention dari fansnya
87. Managernya, bernama Stacy. Grey pernah ditakuti Stacy waktu di supermarket sampe sampe Grey menjerit dan smua orang jadi ngeliatin dia. [*Jadi pengen tau ekspresinya*]
88. Aktris favoritenya adalah Kiera Knightley, dan Natalie Portman
89. Greyson tertarik banget sama Indonesia karena dia bilang di Indonesia banyak para fansnya
90. Greyson suka lagu Mistletoe-nya Justin Bieber
91. Greyson gak percaya kalau dia itu cute
92. Greyson suka belajar bahasa Perancis, karena menurut dia itu seni
93. Greyson suka kembang api bonfire
94. Greyson suka banget main Angry Birds
95. Buku favorite Greyson itu Lookin for Alaska [*Kalo lagu North to Alaska? (:*]
96. Greyson Chance, Cody simpson, dan Justin Bieber itu deket juga lhoo
97. Lagu Take a Look at Me Now itu adalah lagu buat orang orang yang gak percaya sama kemampuan Grey
98. Tempat liburan favoritenya, yaitu diiiii??? South Padre, Texas.
99. Album pertamannya itu Hold on Til’ The Night
100.Rencana Greyson akan merilis album “X-Traordinary” [*wah gak sabar nunggunya, hehe*]
101.Kalian bisa ngirim fans mail ke Greyson. Nih, aku kasih tau alamatnya : Greyson Chance, c/o Atom Factory, 1630 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Sunshine and City Lights

Verse 1
It’s taking us downtown
You’re watching me, watching me, watching me go
But I never listen
No, I never let you know

Now we’re heading uptown
Is there something or nothing you wanted to say
‘Cause i need to go now
Do you want me to stay
I said stay-ay-ay-ay-e-ay

What you need to know
Is to try to let it go, let it go
What you need to find
Is someone who never will let you go
Oo-oo and sunshine and citylights
Will guide you home
And oo-oo yeah you gotta know
That i’ll never let you go
Verse 2
Now we’re stuck in midtown
Surrounded by people and nothing but sound
And we’re going nowhere
We are the lost and found
We’re all over this town
Is there something or nothing you wanted to say
‘Cause i need to go now
Do you want me to stay
I said stay-ay-ay-ay-e-ay
What you need to know
Is to try to let it go, let it go
What you need to find
Is someone who never will let you go
Oo-oo and sunshine and citylights
Will guide you home
And oo-oo yeah you gotta know
That i’ll never let you go
Sunshine and City Lights
Sunshine and City Lights
What you need to know
Is to try to let it go, let it go
What you need to find
Is someone who never will let you go
What you need to know
Is to try to let it go, let it go
What you need to find
Is someone who never will let you go
Oo-oo and sunshine and citylights
Will guide you home
And oo-oo yeah you gotta know
That i’ll never let you go

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - You Might Be The One

Verse 1
Some people call me crazy
But I don’t think I’m crazy
To believe that you and me could be something
To believe that you and me could be something
Some people say you’re no good
But they don’t know what’s good for me
If is it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing
If is it isn’t you then I don’t need nothing

When the lighting strikes and the rain comes done
I’ll be all right I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder rolls and the darkest night I see the light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire, burning my soul
And that’s how I know
And that’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
Then I should go… that’s how I know
That I am sold… that you might be the one
Yea… That you might be the one
Verse 2
Some people think it’s stupid
But I don’t thinks it’s stupid
To be young and put yourself over me
Don’t need directions this is where I wanna be
When the lighting strikes and the rain comes done
I’ll be all right I’ll dance in your storm
When the thunder rolls and the darkest night I see the light
You bring me back home
I feel a fire, burning my soul
And that’s how I know
And that’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
Then I should go… that’s how I know
That I am sold… that you might be the one
Yea… That you might be the one
End verse
I feel a fire
Burning my soul
And that’s how I know,
And that’s how I know
It’s like desire pulling me in
Then I should go… that’s how I know
That I am sold… that you might be the one
Yea… That you might be the one

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Leila

Verse 1
At first I… was speechless
At first I grumbled every time you smiled
You’re right here, beside me
Your right here saying you like to stay a while
All the people say we’ll never be the type to stay together
That you know I promise you 
We’re gonna prove them wrong
Maybe this is wrong
Or maybe…
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me…
This feels a lot like love
Leila… Leila… Leila…
You’re the one for me
Verse 2
December… snow falling…
But every word you whisper keeps me warm
All the odds are stacked against us
People say it’s just a crush but
If I could you know that
I’d stay here my whole life long
Maybe this is wrong
Or maybe…
You’re the one for me
You’re the one for me…
This feels a lot like love
Leila… Leila… Leila…
You’re the one for me
Maybe I’ll get hurt and I should keep my distance
Be careful with my heart, but I don’t want to listen
Here with you tonight,
Something in me knows this can be wrong
Maybe you’re the one for me
You’re the one for me…
This feels a lot like love
Leila… Leila… Leila…
You’re the one for me
Oh, the one for me…

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Caliornia Sky

Verse 1
Sometimes I wish I that I could stop the clock from turning
And spend the weekend lost inside your eyes
Somehow I wish I could halt the roses burning
Until I can make you mine
From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop in Melrose
They were playing Hey Jude and we both sang along

Could have talked forever had a thousand cups of coffee
I hated that my flight was taking off…
And if I had the time, and I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly, over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
Oh Oh, I’d be with you tonight
Verse 2
I put my headphones on and went right to the Beatles
Looked out the window saw your face amongst the stars
Ten hours ’til in London, and I wonder if you’d been here
And if you know you caught my heart
From the first time I saw at that coffee shop on Melrose
With your skinny black jeans and your long blonde hair
Could have talked forever had a thousand cups of coffee
Instead of being ten thousand feet above nowhere
And if I had the time, and I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly, over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
Oh Oh, I’d be with you tonight
I want to take you up to Malibu
I want to hold your hand in Griffith Park
I want to dance with you in Hollywood
And kiss your lips under the stars
And if I had the time
And I could live a different life
And if this plane would fly
Over the California sky
I’d be with you tonight
Oh, I’d be with you tonight
Oh oh, I’d be with you tonight
Oh oh, I’d be with you tonight
I’d be with you tonight...

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Take My Heart

Verse 1
Don’t have no fancy occupation
I can’t fly you to the moon
Ain’t got nothing in my pocket
But I got enough love for you
I don’t drive a Lamborghini… (No, I don’t)
All my clothes are old and used…
Ain’t got no house up on the hill girl
But I got enough love for you

Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold,
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away…
Take my heart today (oooooohhhh)
Take my heart today (oooooohhhh)

Verse 2
And let me show you what you’ve been missing (My love)
And show you what loves supposed to do (What's it's supposed to do, uhh)
We don’t need no mansion or money
Because I got enough love for you
It don’t take no rocket science
To know that I’m your dream come true
Let me promise you this one thing
That I got enough love for you (Got so much love for you)

Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold,
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away…
Take my heart today

Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold,
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away-ay-ay-ay...

Girl what I give
You can’t put a price tag on it
You’re worth more than gold,
And I’ll do anything to have it
Spend all my time on you
I ain’t got no dime to pay
But if I gave one thing away…
Take my heart today (oooooohhhh) 3x

Marc Márquez: “I have the Barça colours inside me”

Moto2 bike rider Marc Márquez attended the Barça training session and spoke about his love for the team. He compared the Champions League final to “a race to become world champion”.

Marc Márquez: “I have the Barça colours inside me”
It was his good friend Gerard Piqué who invited the 125 cc world champion Marc Márquez to see Barça train. “I have been a Barça fan since I was a kid and I’m delighted to come and see a training session”. He said supporting Barcelona “is a family thing …with this team it’s much easier to be a Barça fan, but I have been one all my life. I have the Barça colours inside me”. 

Similarities between bikes and the ball 
2011-05-20_ENTRENO_09.JPGMárquez made comparisons between the two sports. “You are also a team in motorbikes, the difference being that you decide the race alone while the responsibility doesn’t come down to one person on the football pitch”. He also has sympathy for Guardiola’s team: “People have got too used to things. I have too, but I do appreciate it’s the same with bikes, sometimes you fall or make mistakes and you don’t know why. Fellow sportspeople understand these things better”. 

Like the last championship race 
Like all FCB supporters, Marc Márquez is very much looking forward to the Wembley final. He says “the Champions League final is like a race to become world champion. There will be nerves, but I think we’ll win.” The 18-year old Catalan added that they “should play their game … it’s some job for Pep and the players but I’m sure they’ll do it very well”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Home Is In Your Eyes

[Verse 1:]
My heart beats a little bit slower
These nights are a little bit colder
Now that you're gone
My skies seem a little bit darker
Sweet dreams come a little bit harder...
I hate when you're gone.

Everyday time is passing
Growing tired of all this travelling
Take me away to where you are.

I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes

[Verse 2:]
Your heart beats a little bit faster
There's tears where there use to be laughter...
Now that I'm gone...
You talk just a little bit softer
Things take a little bit longer.
You hate that I'm gone.

Everyday time is passing
Growing tired of all this travelling
Take me away to where you are.

I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes

If I could write another ending
This wouldn't even be our song
I'd find a way where we would never ever be apart
Right from the start

[Chorus: x2]
I wanna be holding your hand
In the sand
By the the tire swing
Where we use to be
Baby you and me
I travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile
Feels so far away when you cry
'Cause home is in your eyes

Song Lyrics : Greyson Chance - Little London Girl

[Verse 1]
I shut the door
And I step outside
It's close to midnight
And the fog is in
And the street lights

With the sound of Big Ben
It reminded me
It was only yesterday
When we first met in that cafe
And our worlds entwined.

Ooooh don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

[Verse 2]
Sunglasses on
You take me to Camden Town
As you share your headphones
With the Kinks and the Rolling Stones.

As you walk around
In your leather boots
All the boys are staring
But you're not caring
'Cuz you're so rock and roll (so rock and roll)

Ooooh don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

(Yeah) You light my world [x5]
Ooooh don't you know?
We're gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
Are you ready to go?
Ooooh don't you know?
You light my world
My little London...
Girlll don't you know?
I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops now, baby
I'm ready to go.
Ooooh don't you know?
It doesn't matter if the sun is going down on me
You light my world
My little London girl.

Song Lyrics : Rihanna - Russian Roulette

[Verse 1:]
Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
That I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

[Verse 2:]
Say a prayer to yourself
He says, close you eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
That I’m
terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late to think of the value of my life

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
That I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my cheat
That I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger